Alexa could be making popping sounds because you asked it to do so but you have forgotten, it might also be because of a loose wire resulting in faulty connectivity, the Alexa is too far from the speaker thereby leading to interference, software bugs/glitches, or speaker Hardware malfunction. These are some of the reasons why your Alexa is possibly making that disturbing popping sound.
Alexa Making Popping Sound Because You Asked It To.
Your Alexa could be making a popping sound because you asked it to, but have forgotten. You could have instructed Alexa to carry out certain routines in the past that you have forgotten. It might also be that you set an alarm for a particular time but forgot you did so. Alexa will make a sound that could be strange to you if you can’t remember the particular routine you set or the alarm set.
Therefore, before getting all worked up, enter your Alexa app, and check your settings to see your routines, alarms, and timers to make sure that it is not something you have forgotten you asked Alexa to do.
Alexa Making Popping Sound Due To A Faulty Connection
If your Alexa is making a popping noise, it could be due to a loose wire in the connection. There may be a wire that has come loose between the amplifier and the speaker.
To know if this is the cause of the problem you are experiencing, try using an Auxiliary wire to connect your speaker and audio source, if the Alexa works after doing this, it means the problem is from a loose wire. In this situation, you can either call in an expert to fix the wire or continue with the Auxiliary cable.
Alexa Making Popping Noise Due To Distance Between It and the Audio Source
This is another possible reason why Alexa is making a popping noise. If your Alexa and the Audio Source are far from each other, it could cause an impedance between them that leads to it making the popping noise.
Therefore, if your Alexa device is too far from the Audio Source and it starts making, try moving your device closer to the audio source. Doing this should eliminate the popping noise problem.
Alexa Making Popping Noise Because of an Electrical Interference
Alexa might also be making a popping sound because of Electrical interference because it is too close to other wireless devices like Bluetooth speakers or wifi. Your Alexa is not supposed to be too close to other wireless devices.
To solve this problem, move your Alexa device away from other wireless devices that could be causing the interference. Your Alexa should never be kept too close to other wireless devices, there should be a distance between them.
Alexa Making a Popping Noise As a Result of a Software Bug/Glitch
Your Alexa making a popping noise can be a result of outdated software. If you check online and notice that many people are reporting the same problem, it is probably a software bug or glitch. Especially if you can not find any other reason for the unusual noise.
Click on “Device Settings”.
Pick your device from the list shown.
Select “Device Settings”.
Go to “Device Software Version”.
Click on Update and wait for it to update.
The Alexa app can update automatically but you can do it manually in the case of a bug or glitch.
In addition to all these solutions provided, you could just ask Alexa why it is making that popping sound, and it will possibly tell you why.
Also, you can switch your Alexa off and put it back on to see if the problem will be resolved.
Yes, if you realize that none of the reasons given above is causing your Alexa to make a popping sound, then, it is probably a problem with the hardware. Sadly, you can not solve this problem by yourself at home. You need to take it to a service center close to you for them to take a look at it and fix it for you.
In conclusion, your Alexa could be making a popping noise due to any of the reasons given above. All you need to do is follow the instructions given to resolve it or take it to the nearest service center.
- Why is Alexa making these crackling sounds?
Your Alexa could be making a crackling sound due to electrical interference.
- Can I stop my Alexa from crackling sound by switching it off and on?
Yes, it can resolve it if the problem is caused by an interference or a faulty connection.