Teen Wolf is a supernatural horror teen-drama that aired on MTV from 2011 to 2016. It followed a teenager named Scott McCall that becomes a Werewolf. The audience follows him and his pack as he makes through his success and failures as he becomes Beacon Hills’ protector from evil.
Scott and his pack have to protect themselves and the town of Beacon Hills from a range of terrifying monsters in their town. From other Werewolves to Wendigos, the pack never know who they are going to fight next. Here are all the creatures featured in MTV’s Teen Wolf, ranked by their scariness.
Though Banshees are incredibly dangerous, they aren’t particularly terrifying for the audience. That’s largely due in part to the Banshees the show introduces being tragic figures, like a woman who remains in her abandoned small town with the ghostly figure of her lost son. Likewise, the only Banshee audiences get to know very well is main character Lydia Martin.
With their premonitions of death, their ear-splitting screams, and their ability to use that scream as a weapon, Banshees are incredibly powerful. They don’t, however, have the typically “monstrous” appearance of so many other Teen Wolf creatures.
Thunder Kitsune
Much like the Banshee, the audience only gets to know the Thunder Kitsune through two characters: Kira and her mother. While there are many different varieties of Kitsune, the show only explores two types.
The Thunder Kitsune is a fox spirit that inhabits the body of an individual. It’s able to control light and electricity. Kira doesn’t have a great handle on her abilities, but her bubbly personality doesn’t exactly make her very threatening either.
Of the supernatural beings in Teen Wolf, the Hellhound is one of the most mysterious, which is why it ranks a little higher on the scariness scale. Jordan Parrish is the only Hellhound in Beacon Hills, but even he doesn’t really understand what that means.
The Hellhound part of Parrish is completely separate from the human part, leaving Parrish unaware of what he does as the Hellhound. That’s a little scary on its own. Add to that the Hellhound being responsible for keeping the supernatural quiet, being impervious to fire, and having better strength and reflexes than a human, and he’s certainly formidable.
Chimeras are not born or bitten to become supernatural; they are humans made by the Dread Doctors. The Chimeras are given powers of certain creatures without fully becoming one. For example, Theo had the fangs, glowing eyes, and claws of a werewolf, but he really wasn’t one.
Chimeras may be dangerous but are not that scary. They are scientifically made and not the true creature they were made from, which can limit the abilities they have access to. While they can be strong, in the end, they are just impostors.
Similar to Werewolves in their abilities and strength, Werecoyotes have got the claws, the fangs, and the shapeshifting abilities as well. What’s interesting, however, is that they don’t run in packs, typically, which makes them a little less scary since there isn’t a team behind them running a coordinated attack.
There’s also the fact that when a female Werecoyote has a child, some of her power is depleted and transferred to her child. That’s why Malia Tate is so much more powerful than her birth mother, the Desert Wolf, and her mother resorts to using weapons to come after her instead.
Literally translating from German to English as “lion-man,” this creature is a Werewolf-lion hybrid. Unlike the artificially created Chimeras, as far as the audience knows, the Löwenmensch is a naturally occurring shapeshifter.
The only one introduced in the series (Garrett Douglas) appears to be just as strong, if not stronger, than Werecoyotes and Werewolves. His bite is even strong enough to get through the human skull. That’s enough to make him plenty creepy.
Werejaguars have a lot in common with the other shapeshifters of the series, things like claws, fangs, quick reflexes, and incredible strength. They also, however, have one trait that makes them a little scarier than most.
Though Werejaguars like Kate appear to be solitary creatures, they have complete control over another group of creatures: Berserkers. Werejaguars are the ones to perform the ritual that bonds the Berserkers to them, making them scary as a result of the army they can command.
Skinwalkers are, like many of the supernatural creatures in Beacon Hills, shapeshifters. They are said to have a lot in common with Werewolves, but they’re also able to control the literal earth beneath their feet.
Skinwalkers, as far as the audience sees in their brief appearance, are all women. They also have incredibly precise control over their abilities, enough so that they take Kira to live with him so she can learn how to control the powers of the Kitsune. Then, they’re never seen again. The mystery of them makes them scarier than they probably realistically are.
Ghost Rider
The Ghost Riders started raising hell in Beacon Hills in the season 5 episode “Memory Lost.” Not only do the Ghost Riders look like wild west zombies, but they also have the power to take people by way of shooting them. When the person they take is gone, everyone, they knew forgets that they even existed.
The Ghost Riders were a great threat to Beacon Hills and the McCall pack. There is always the wonder of whether the pack will be able to get everyone back that goes missing, especially after seeing a ghost town left behind by the Ghost Riders years earlier.
The next creatures are the Berserkers. They are men who underwent a ritual using the bones and pelts of bears. After the ritual, they receive superhuman strength, speed, and durability. The thing with Berserkers is that after the ritual, they also become mindless killers as they are channeling the anger of a bear.
The audience first sees the Berserkers as Kate’s henchmen after her comeback as a Werejaguar. One of the only ways to kill a Berserker is to forcefully take off their bear skull.
Teen Wolf’s main monster is, of course, Werewolves. They are shape-shifters that can turn from a human into Werewolf in an instant. Scott McCall, Liam Dunbar, and Derek Hale are probably the most popular Werewolves in the town of Beacon Hills.
While a lot of the Werewolves the audience sees are good guys, that does not make them any less terrifying with their super strength and speed, super sharp fangs, and their glowing red eyes. Beacon hills should be grateful that Scott, Liam, and Derek are on their side, especially since their power only increases when they’re part of a pack.
While the Muted is not confirmed to be any sort of creature, he is still terrifying. He made his first appearance in the episode “Muted” where he hunted and killed all but one Wendigo of a family.
Not a lot is known about the Muted except that he is a professional assassin that uses a tomahawk to kill. The Muted is a hairless middle-aged man with no mouth. He is an intense character that the audience would have loved to learn more about.
Sluagh is a creature the audience did not see much of. He is only in one episode called “A Novel Approach” in which Stiles and Lydia see it while going past its cell in Eichen House. While the crew never fought this monster, it left a lasting effect on the audience. It’s said to take on the appearance of lost souls, though beyond that, what it can do is a mystery.
Something interesting about this creature is that it was designed by a fan. AT&T sponsored a contest that had the audience members come up with their own Teen Wolf monster and Jessica Short, the winner of the contest, came up with this terrifying design.
The next terrifying creature on the list is the Wendigo. The Wendigo is a shape-shifting creature that also likes to eat people. In the show, the audience first saw the Wendigo in “Muted” where a family of them were living in secret.
The Wendigo is a very powerful creature with the same strength level as an Alpha Werewolf. Something that makes Wendigos weak is their hunger for human flesh. In fact, if they do not eat it, they will die. Other shapeshifters don’t have to feed on humans.
The Kanima is said to be a weapon of vengeance, which is exactly what this monster is used for. When Jackson is bitten by Derek Hale, something goes wrong. Instead of a werewolf, he turns into a reptilian creature.
This monster is one of the scariest, not only because it is being controlled by a kid that wants to get vengeance on a whole swim team, but also because of the powers he has. The Kanima has a lot of the same powers as a werewolf, but also razor-sharp claws and a tail with paralyzing venom.
Dread Doctors
While the Kanima might be terrifying in large part due to its paralytic venom, the Dread Doctors are terrifying because of their scientific experiments. It’s unclear just how old the different Dread Doctors are, though they likely were regular humans at one point who have managed to prolong their lives.
Obsessed with supernatural creatures, they’re able to kidnap multiple teenagers in town and experiment on them, turning them into supernatural creatures, without anyone stopping them. They also typically aren’t even seen by the people around them or, if they are, they’re forgotten about. Making them even scarier? They’re the ones responsible for Theo making his way to Beacon Hills in the first place.
Season 3 of Teen Wolf is an intense season for Scott and his pack. The Darach is a very evil monster in season 3a. She makes her appearance in the episode “Tattoo” as a new teacher at Beacon Hills going by Jennifer Blake.
Later on in the season, the audience learns her actual name is Julia Baccari and that she was the Druid emissary for Kali’s pack. Kali and Julia had a great relationship, but when Deucalion had multiple Alphas kill their own packs, he also had them kill their emissary. Kali wounded her and left her for dead, but she ended up surviving. The Darach tries to gather enough energy and power to defeat the Alpha pack for what they did to her. She does it through Druid rituals, but she has the strength to physically fight other supernatural creatures as well.
The most ancient of shapeshifters, the Anuk-ite is released in Beacon Hills when the Ghost Riders are defeated. The rift between realms created to get Stiles and other residents back allows the Anuk-ite to slip through.
Said to be a creature of two faces, it preys on people’s deepest fears. That means the Anuk-ite is the one supernatural being in the series that is able to get even the humans to stand up and take notice of the supernatural around them as Beacon Hills devolves into chaos. It can inhabit hosts - even supernatural ones - making it a real threat.
The scariest monster in Teen Wolf history is, of course, the Nogitsune. The Nogistune is the main villain in season 3b. Nogistune is a type of Kitsune that is dark and will take over anybody’s body, and has nothing else to do but create chaos. This creature has to be summoned and, when it is, it’s very dangerous and can not be controlled.
The Nogistune has a terrifying appearance with its body covered in bandages. The only thing the audience sees is its razor-sharp teeth. The worst thing this monster ever did was take over the fans’ favorite character, Stiles, and make him evil. If a person hurts Stiles, he has to go.