On the heels of Apple officially announcing WWDC 2018 today, AltConf has released details for its week-long event as well. This year’s AltConf will feature two speaker tracks, two community labs and some special plans for podcasters.

For those not familiar, AltConf is a free (donations appreciated), community driven conference.

Here’s what to expect from this year’s AltConf:

You can get more details on AltConf’s website here. More updates and details will be following in the coming days and weeks. The event is also looking for volunteers.

• 2 rooms for community labs —labs are a place to get expert advice, discuss ideas, and learn something new. Watch this space for when we open our call for participation so you can submit topics you’re interested in hosting, and highlight subject areas you’d like to see covered.

• Hallway filled with sponsors — want to become one of them? Email us: sponsors@altconf.com. Mac Stadium and Virgil Security have already signed up and will see you there.


Yep. We enjoyed last year’s shenanigans with ATP so much that we thought we’d bring it back and add none other than Relay FM in to the mix! Here’s how it’s going to happen:

• ATP — Monday 4th June, 5:30pm — 7pm (Get tickets here)

• Relay FM — Wednesday 6th June, 5:30pm — 7pm (Get tickets here)

Layers, another popular conference held at the same time teased that it will soon be offering up tickets in a tweet today.

June 4-6, 2018. Sign up at https://t.co/Y6eQxn5DLb to get notified when tickets go on sale!

— Layers (@layersconf) March 13, 2018