When Transparent premiered, it featured a groundbreaking performance from Tambor, who plays Mort Pfefferman - a divorced, middle-aged father who transitions into a woman named Maura. The entire plot point of the first season dealt with Maura coming out to her rather selfish family and delivering the big news. Consecutive seasons focused on the family dynamics changing and moving forward after Maura’s transition, but that won’t be the case anymore.

“I have great respect and admiration for Van Barnes and Trace Lysette, whose courage in speaking out about their experience on Transparent is an example of the leadership this moment in our culture requires. We are grateful to the many trans people who have supported our vision for Transparent since its inception and remain heartbroken about the pain and mistrust their experience has generated in our community. We are taking definitive action to ensure our workplace respects the safety and dignity of every individual, and are taking steps to heal as a family.”

Tambor came forward with apologies and statements, which ultimately resulted in his decision to leave Transparent in November. He released a statement regarding his on-set behavior, saying, “I know I haven’t always been the easiest person to work with. I can be volatile and ill-tempered, and too often I express my opinions harshly and without tact. But I have never been a predator – ever.” Once he threatened to leave Transparent, saying, “I don’t see how I can return to Transparent,” his representatives started backpedaling the meaning of that statement.

More: 15 Best TV Performances of 2015

Source: Deadline