In this scheme, you are simply just a middleman whose job is to drive traffic to the product and take orders from buyers. And the third-party seller will be the one responsible for making sure the product is available for delivery, maintaining the inventory, and making sure that they are shipped as ordered.
Delivering items with information indicating the name of a seller or contact information that is not yours. Purchasing products from other online retailers and having them ship the product directly to buyers.
Identify the right product you want to drop ship
Look for a supplier
Finding a trustworthy, honest and genuine supplier who fully understands the concept of dropshipping will be your next course of action. Tell them the goals and objectives that you have in mind and discuss all money-related issues and pricing thoroughly to avoid future problems arising. But the upside here is oftentimes it is quite easy to find suppliers fast. Here is how you can find suppliers easily;
Attending trade showsGoogle searchesReach out to manufacturers directlyCapitalize a supplier directory
Keywords research
Product listing
Product launching
Monitor the business performance
As a dropshipper, you are responsible for making sure that everything is going as planned on the supplier’s end and generating traffic to the products. Make sure that your listing makes it to the top of the first page, monitoring ad campaigns.
Yes, there are some downsides like you don’t get large profits most times, you can not control inventory and the shipping can not be guaranteed by you.
Do I get to go home with everything I make from dropshipping?
No, you don’t go home with everything you earn, you must remember that you are not the sole owner of the product so the main income goes to the supplier.