The sellers are required to fill out their Anti-Counterfeiting Policy which states that any product that is fake or pirated is prohibited from being sold on amazon. The products that are considered to be prohibited are fakes, pirated copies of products, bootlegs, illegally replicated products, etc.
There are various ways in which you can report a fake product on amazon. First is by login-in to your amazon account & complaining about the fake product. The second way to do this is by calling the customer care number & reporting your concern. If you have purchased a product & found it to be fake you can report it in the following ways-
It is very important to report any product that is fake if found by you. It helps amazon to get that seller blocked or their products & page removed.
Can a fake product be returned on amazon?
Yes, you can return a fake product on amazon with a full refund by providing the necessary details about the product & why you consider it to be fake.
The A-Z guarantee ensured that a customer receives authenticate product that is amazon fulfilled & also timely delivery of the product. And to resolve the issue if the customer is not satisfied with the product.
Does amazon have any physical stores?