The app will organize the delivery route for you. If you prefer to go your own way, you won’t be penalized for doing so—just make sure you stay within the time limits of your time slot.

After the employee reaches the delivery location, they will be responsible for supplying the products to the customer’s door. Then after, they scan the package once again to ensure that it was delivered, they may also be instructed to image the parcel you’ve left aside. The photo will be forwarded to the customer via the app, who will be informed that the package has been delivered.

Naturally, they will have to execute a significant portion of parcels or other orders within the designated time range.

There may be circumstances when the employee would be unable to deliver all of the packages they pick up within the provided time by the time block, in which instance the reimbursement will be deposited into the bank account of their choice once a week. 
