Employees on fixed salaries do not get paid for working overtime. However, with the new policy of fixed salary employees has to earn less than $50,440 a year before they are eligible for overtime pay. This requirement is raised from the previous requirement when they had to be earning less than $47,476 a year before being qualified for overtime pay.

Hourly workers earn one and a half times more than their hourly wage whenever they work overtime. In other terms, if an employee gets $15 per hour, then they get paid 20 dollars for each hour they work overtime. This policy includes weekends and holiday hours worked overtime.

Another feature that made this new policy exciting is that apart from overtime pay, they are also given paid time off  including sick days, vacation days, and personal days. Their paid time off starts counting from the time they are given employment.

The Employees The New Mandatory Overtime Policy Applies To

Missing Out On Overtime Schedule Penalty

The schedule for overtime work is usually received by the employees ahead of time. Sometimes, the schedule for overtime is relayed to the employees at the dime minute. It can even be just right before the start of the next shift hour.

The company needs to meet the work demands already scheduled and if an employee backs out, then that means the company is at loss. Employees that miss their overtime hours will face certain penalties such as missing out on personal time and vacation time to meet the work demands already scheduled and if an employee backs out, then that means the company is at loss. Employees that miss their overtime hours will face certain penalties such as missing out on personal time and vacation time that they already have.

There might be a justifiable reason why the employee is not able to work overtime as scheduled. However, they still have to pay the penalty for not meeting the schedule but some supervisors are lenient that is if your plans/reasons have already been made known earlier.

Exceptions To Mandatory Overtime Hours

Exceptions to mandatory overtime hours are quite rare. Only students that work full-time are the only ones that are exempted from working overtime because they have to attend classes.

Nursing parents are not even exempted, therefore if a parent is attempting to take a job, the fact that there are mandatory overtime hours before taking jobs.

The Effect Of Prime Day On The Mandatory Overtime Policy

Therefore, the company needs extra hands. Employees  work extra one or two hours daily a week before the prime day. They all receive one and a half times their normal wages for working extra hours.


The new mandatory overtime policy has received both negative and positive sentiments from the public. It is a benefit for some workers to earn additional wages that can be used to meet their needs.

Does It Allow Voluntary Overtime Work?

The United States law allows employees to work seven hours in a row if their work requires that. The only condition is that one out of every seven days in a month should be used to rest.