It is important to note that not all goods or products can be returned. When you return products, they should still be in the condition in which you purchased them, and you should come with your receipt or any other proof that indicates you purchased the item.

They must meet these conditions: 

a) It refuses to come on, i.e., it is not starting. b)You purchased it in bad condition, which you do not cause. Any damaged gadget or item caused by the customer that wants to be returned will require you to pay a certain amount.

c) You are yet to open the package and want to exchange it for a different gadget. The return must, however, be within 30 days. Go along with your receipt or anything else that shows that you purchased the item.

JewelleryLuxury productsAppliancesTVsWedding items, and Video games.  

Do I have to return a product I purchased from amazon within thirty days? 

Not exactly; It is not all items that can be returned within the first thirty days. Returning a product to amazon depends on the product and the return policy.