Cybercriminals are proving to be extremely smart. They mislead any buyer using smart and convincing language in their emails. Scams are not a modern thing. They’ve been around for quite a lot longer. Each day, new and imaginative fraud or vulnerabilities are found and handled.

2. False tech support

Such fraudsters can phone users directly or encourage customers to interact with them via a fake email saying that there is a problem with their account. They then can convince people to install hacking tools or software to tackle the problem.

5. Payment scamming

6. Scam of failed delivery

This is an old online fraud that targets honest sellers. It’s simple: a customer says they didn’t receive an order and demands a refund while they did. This issue is easily solved by using track-and-trace payment. It means that no goods may be delivered unless the receiver pays for them.

7. Prize fraud

Now, this comes in the form of a message informing users that they have won a prize but must click on a malicious link to get it. Of course, the Web address is operated by criminals who will either attack you with software or collect your information.


The phrase “trust but verify” is still applicable to internet commerce and its connected activities. In conclusion, the majority of scams may be avoided if you exercise caution, ask questions, and have your wits about you. Never provide personal sensitive information to anyone posing as a “customer service representative or agent” if you receive any unsolicited emails; instead, be extra careful to investigate their source.

  1. How to identify if the message I received is an amazon scams or not?

  2. Where to report such amazon scams?